Saturday, August 29, 2009

The My Hero Project - Andrea Mia Ghez

The My Hero Project - Andrea Mia Ghez

Why do we think that women with brains aren't goodlooking women?
Anred looks awful good to me
Go girl

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Candy Crawly
The fact that Candy Crawly is one of CNN's best reporters is "fact" not speculation. But what "MUST" be noted is that Candy looks absolutly great. Now we get thebest of both worlds. Good reporting and a Damn good looking woman to report it

Monday, July 20, 2009

Are we insane or just plane stupid. We spend so much time hatting and fearing each other that we have no time to look at the beauty we each have.Show me a beautiful woman and i'LL SHOW YOU A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. You know the old axeum? Short,tall, skinny or full figured, they all look good to me. For thoes for car so much about color and the rest of that crap, I have plenty of minets on my cell, they can call someone who gives a f.....................! This life is much to short to all fiction to replace facts. THERE NOT A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN THAT CAN'T BEFOUND IN EVERY CORNER OF THIS PLANET.
That you God for Lilith and all the beautiful women all over this planet.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Freedom to Love

I am 62 years of age. In some circles, I am said to have seen T-Rex up close and personnel. My one concern, may seem out of date. Interracial dating and marriage is the subject, that concerns me. Racism and hate of people who are in or wish to begin such a relationship is still alive and kicking. I know, I am one of those people. I have read a lot of the so called theories on the subject and I say BALDERDASH ( ha, ha ). Why are my choices, in the search for companionship limited to a certain group, or, race? Here it is the 21st century, and yet, when I see an attractive woman, who is not african-american ( whoops gave myself away ), I must think twice, perhaps more. And for the woman ( as well as myself ) the social stigma of dating outside of you kind , is still very strongly held on two. I am looking for a community of men and women, who have come to the realization that LOVE has no color, religion or appropriate age.